Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Pres BO finally makes up his mind on same sex marriage

At the end of the day, Pres BO had to stop dancing around "same sex marriage".  All of this "evolving" stuff just got a little silly.  

Like most social issues, it cuts both ways.

It will help with homosexual supporters.   We learned that they are an important part of Pres BO's reelection fundraising.  (About one in six of Obama’s top campaign “bundlers” are gay, according to a Washington Post review of donor lists, making it difficult for the president to defer the matter.)

That's a lot of fundraising!  We also learned that "gay fundraisers" were threatening to withhold contributions.  (Gay for Pay?)

I think that VP Biden forced the issue with a "gaffe" on Meet The Press.  It put Pres BO in the uncomfortable position of looking indecisive with the so-called "evolving remarks".

Today, Pres BO made it official.  He told us that "the evolution" was over and he supports same sex marriage.

My guess is that it won't be a national issue.  However, it will create turnout in key states and that's what this is all about.


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Josh Hamilton on his way to another superb season

How rare is hitting 4 hrs in one game? It has happened only 16 times in major league history.  In other words, it is more difficult to hit 4 hrs than to throw a perfect game.

No matter what, it was a wonderful night for Josh Hamilton.   He is over .400 with 14 Hrs and 37 RBI's.  It means that Hamilton is on a pace to hit 70 Hrs and drive in 200 runs.

Can Hamilton win the Triple Crown?  Yes he can!

Congratulations to Josh Hamilton for giving Rangers' fans another wonderful night.

Click here for the Tuesday show:

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How did Pres BO turn the killing of OBL into another display of narcissism?

How did The White House mess this up so much?

How did the killing of Osama turn into another example of Pres BO's narcissism?

It starts with too much "Obama".  Too much concern about approval ratings had the mission failed.  Too much about our "courageous" president and not a word about the Navy Seals and everybody else who contributed to finding OBL.

Do you think that General Eisenhower would have made a presentation like that following the surrender of Germany in 1945?  Or Pres Truman taking all of the credit for forcing Japan to surrender?

Someone needs to tell Pres BO to stop talking about "himself" and be more presidential by giving the Navy Seals, and all of those intelligence analysts, the credit for this.  (Leaders get the credit when they praise their subordinates for a job well done)

Pres BO also skipped anther important detail:  We got the info by shaking up 3 terrorists in GITMO.   Former AG Mukasey told Paul Gigot about it:

"We got troves of information from all three. We arrested Hambali, Ramzi bin Al Shibh, a whole array, a whole rogues gallery of terrorists who were prepared to carry off attacks. Mike McConnell, the director of....
GIGOT: Former national director of intelligence.
MUKASEY: Correct. Said that there are people walking around today who would not be walking around today if those techniques had not been used."

We are now learning of a Plan B, or the plan that would have protected Pres BO if the raid had failed.  According to news reports, The White House was ready to blame Navy Admiral McRaven had the raid failed. 

We repeat that this is just more evidence that we have a narcissist rather than a leader in The Oval Office.  

How did Pres BO turn an American victory into another display of narcissism?  

We discussed this, and other issues, with Barry Casselman:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

Tags: How did Pres BO turn the killing of OBL into another display of narcissism?  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!