Friday, April 20, 2012

Thank you to the new government of Spain for standing up for Cuba's dissidents!

It breaks your heart to know Cubans live under such a repressive state 100 miles south of Florida.  

Once in a while, we are happy to report that someone stands up for Cuba's dissidents:

"Spain's new Foreign Affairs Minister, Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo, vowed not to travel to Cuba unless he is guaranteed the right to visit with dissident groups and opposition leaders on the island."  (via Alberto de la Cruz)

We salute Sr Garcia-Margallo for doing what so many Europeans simply won't do.   Unfortunately, there are too many Europeans, and too many "Latinos", who trade human rights for an economic relationship with the corrupt Castro brothers.  They do business with Cuba and the property that was illegally confiscated and stolen by the Castro regime in the early 1960s.

Again, thank you to the new Spanish government.

Spain and Cuba have a unique relationship.  Cuba was a Spanish colony from 1492 to 1898.  

Many Cubans have Spanish grandparents and a warm place in our hearts for "la madre patria".   

My mother's father was born in Asturias and my father's family came to Cuba in the 1840's.   I grew up hearing my grandfather and his Spanish friends (we call them "gallegos") hold court at the park across my mother's home.   I can still hear their Spanish accent.  I still laugh at the antics of Rudecindo Caldeiro y EscobiƱa, the Spaniard on that wonderful old Cuban comedy "La tremenda corte".

It's nice to see someone standing up for the dissidents.  

Speaking of the dissidents, we spoke with Betsy Gonzalez in Florida: 

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

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