Friday, January 20, 2012

A question about Newt's ex-wife but NOT ONE question about foreign policy!

Newt nailed CNN at the very beginning and that was good.  

However, we did not have a single mention of foreign policy in the entire debate.  Is that crazy or what?

The candidates were asked about illegal immigration, an issue that has a national security component.  Yet, I did not hear a question about Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Egypt and so on.

I understand that the public wants to hear about the economy but foreign policy does not go away because we avoid it.

On the domestic side, there was only a passing reference to the Keystone Pipeline and no significant discussion of debt, the deficit or entitlements.

Check our Friday commentary:

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Tags: The South Carolina CNN debate  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

It just did not click for Gov Perry!

It's hard to believe that Gov Perry was leading the polls in September.  Who would have believed back then that Gov Perry would have dropped out a couple of days before the SC primary?  Didn't many of us think that Gov Perry would win SC?

At the end of the day, Gov Perry was never able to persuade voters that he was ready to be president.  He had a couple of very bad debates.  He did well recently but it was too late to change the image.

This is a shame because Gov Perry has been running the 13th largest economy in the world since GW Bush was elected president in 2000.  

Is there a governor in the country with a better record than Gov Perry?  

Is there a state attracting more "new residents" or "employers" than Texas?

We are sorry that it did not work out for Gov Perry.  He is a patriot, an experienced executive and a man rooted in conservative principles.

So we will take Gov Perry back and hope that hope to see him in the supporting our nominee in the campaign.

Click here for our chat with George Rodriguez:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

Tags: It did not click for Governor Perry in 2012  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

There is something weird with a president who would let Canadians sell oil to China rather the US!

We just learned that Pres BO has rejected the Keystone Pipeline.  

It is a bit strange that the president of the US would make a major economic, and to some extent national security decision, on purely political reasons.  Read on:

"The White House has been trying to thread a needle between two segments of the Democratic base split over the pipeline: labor unions that support the project for the jobs it would bring, and environmentalists who oppose it for the adverse impacts that development of tar-sands oil could have on the environment."

Are you kidding me? 

Why didn't Pres BO think about jobs and gas prices?  Is it too much to ask that the president of the US make a decision for the general interest rather than "thread a needle" to please party interest groups?

Here is more:  How many times have The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal been on the same side on an issue?  They are today over the pipeline!

The Washington Post: Obama’s Keystone pipeline rejection is hard to accept

The WSJ: The Anti-Jobs President

Canada has lots of oil and we need it.  However, it looks like they will be selling it to China because Pres BO can not tell the environmentalists to chill out and look out for the national interest.

Again, am I the only one who thinks that this is weird, really weird?

Canada is a reliable US ally with lots of energy resources.   Canadian soldiers, unlike most of the NATO allies who guard airports, have actually taken fire in Afghanistan.   Canadian troops have done an amazing job in Afghanistan.

So why exactly are we not buying Canadian oil?   

Click here for our Thursday show:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

Tags: The Keystone Pipeline  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!