Friday, January 06, 2012

Remember when Obama opposed "recess appointments"?

Back in the days of "hope and change", irrational "yes we can screamers" and the complaints about an "imperial Bush presidency", Senator BO was opposed to "recess appointments":

"Recess appointments ‘the wrong thing to do.’ “‘It’s the wrong thing to do. John Bolton is the wrong person for the job,’ said Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., a member of Foreign Relations Committee.” (“Officials: White House To Bypass Congress For Bolton Nomination,” The Associated Press, 7/30/05)

A recess appointee is ‘damaged goods… we will have less credibility.’ “To some degree, he’s damaged goods… somebody who couldn’t get through a nomination in the Senate. And I think that that means that we will have less credibility…” (“Bush Sends Bolton To U.N.” The State Journal-Register [Springfield, IL], 8/2/05)"

That was then and this is now!   Like GITMO & indefinite detention, BO has come a long way since the days of telling audiences what they wanted to hear.

For the record, I support a "recess appointment" if the Senate is in recess or there are some unusual reasons.

So what's going on?   The Senate is not in recess and there are no unusual reasons.

The answer is simple and rather cynical.

Pres BO can not for run for reelection on his record.  His approvals are in the low to mid-40's, or the kind of territory that usually causes an incumbent to lose an election.

Pres BO is desperately looking for an "enemy", or someone that he can blame for the utter failure of the "stimulus", the very unpopular BO-Care, the growing discontent of the left over GITMO & indefinite detentions, starting wars going to the UN rather than Congress, the indifference for allies like Israel & Colombia, etc.

Again, Pres BO can not run for reelection based on his record.  He has decided to energize the base with "populist" appointments, such as Mr Cordray & the 3 to the NLRB.

This is contempt for Congress, and more importantly, the US Constitution.  This is not what the Founding Fathers had in mind.  In fact, this is exactly the arbitrary and lawless use of power that they feared.

We like this from Charles Krauthammer:

"“I think it's not about the appointee or even about the agency. I think this is a lawless action by the president, the end of a long string of lawless actions. It's banana republic style. The president saying I won't let Congress stop me,' actually. It’s in Constitution that you have to have the Senate approval, the Senate. He can only make recess appointment if the Senate is in recess. It is not in recess," Charles Krauthammer said about President Obama's recess appointment of Richard Cordray to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau."

Do you understand now why the 2012 election is so important?  We are watching a pathetic man who can't even get a Senate of his own party to pass his legislation or confirm his nominees.

Again, this is wrong and further evidence that 2012 will be about saving our republic from people who want to run it like corrupt Chicago Democrats!

The WSJ has a great editorial, and advice, for anyone impact by this lawless decision:

"Congress can't do much immediately to stop these appointments, but it ought to think creatively about how to fight back using its other powers—especially the power of the purse.

However, private parties will have standing to sue if they are affected by one of Mr. Cordray's rule-makings, and that's when the courts may get a say on Mr. Obama's contempt for Congress."

Yes fight back!  My guess is that the courts will stop this lawlessness!

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