Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hype not Hope: Pres BO can't get China & Russia to work with him on the Iran problem

We learned today that Pres BO is not getting help from Russia & China over Iran:

"Searching for help, President Barack Obama lobbied the skeptical leaders of Russia and China on Saturday for support in keeping Iran from becoming a nuclear-armed menace to the world, hoping to yield a "common response" to a crisis that is testing international unity.

Yet Obama's talk of solidarity with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Chinese President Hu Jintao was not publicly echoed by either man as Iran moved anew to the fore of the international stage -- and to the front of the fierce U.S. presidential race." (Fox)

Wonder how all those "yes we can" screamers feel about this?  We were told that Pres Obama's personality would change everything and bring everyone together in a new peaceful world.

I guess not!  The Russians and Chinese are still the same countries that refused to work with Pres Bush.

So we elected Obama and the world is still the same world......hope is now just a lot of hype!

Check out our Monday night commentary:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

Tags: Iran and the US is not getting any cooperation from Russia and China  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

The European mess is our ghost of "Obama future"!

It won't be long before we hear that wonderful story of Ebenezer Scrooge and the 3 Christmas ghosts, or "the spirits" as Dickens refers to them!

Are you paying attention? We are all watching the ghost of "Obama Future" in Europe.

This is what the US will look like if we subscribe to "hope and change" and irrational "yes we can-isms"!

What's the ghost telling us?  He is warning us about the charlatan who preaches "hope and change"!  He is also telling us to put the country in another direction or the US will look like Europe.

First, we can't bail out Europe. We don't have the money to do it.  Worse than that, we don't have the political leadership to do a thing about it. 

Reality 101: Pres BO looks as weak on the international stage as he does here!  Pres BO can't tell the Europeans to tighten their belts when he is running budget deficits of 10% of GDP!    (We remind you that Pres Bush never had a deficit in excess of 3% in his two terms)

Yes, Obama's economic approach is just as unsustainable as what we are watching over there.

Second, and more important, you can't help an addict by giving him more of what he is addicted to.

We are watching the end of the welfare state, or the "something for nothing" lifestyle that the Europeans have enjoyed since the end of World War II. 

I should add that the Europeans enjoyed this lifestyle because they didn't have to defend themselves.  On the contrary, they were protected from the old Soviet Union by US tanks in Germany and from nuclear missiles by the radars of the US Mediterranean Fleet.

Where are we today?  Greece is a mess.  Italy is a bigger mess.  It won't be long before other countries join the mess.

In the short run, the European mess will affect us because economic growth will be cut sharply:  European commission reduces 2012 estimate for growth in euro currency area to 0.5%, down from 1.8% six months ago

That's bad!

In the medium, and long term, the answer lies in bringing the Europeans back to earth.  You can't have a future if everyone is working for the government, taking 6-week vacations and, yes, not having babies.

The WSJ had a great editorial this week.  It explains the Italian problem very clearly:

"An aging and shrinking population is a symptom, but not a leading cause, of the eurosclerosis.

A fifth of Italy's 60 million people are 65 or older and make increasingly expensive claims on state-paid pensions and other benefits.....

Italian women have on average 1.2 children, putting the country's birth rate at 207th out of 221 countries." 

It just doesn't add up and reality is finally having the last word.

Here is the bad news:  It's too late for Europe to change!  I'm saddened to tell you that Europe is due for some very difficult times.  We will likely see huge social unrest over there.  

Here is he good news:  We can still listen to "the ghost of the future" and change!  We still have time to restore the American way and reject the "Obama-Euro-welfare state" approach failing miserably over there.

Check for our Midday commentary:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

Tags: Italy, Greece and the mess over there  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Guns to Mexico? Bush consulted with Mexico BUT Obama did not!

Yes, it is true that the Bush administration had a "guns to Mexico" program.  It was called "Wide Receiver" and it was intended to track down guns and follow Mexican cartels.

What is the difference between the Bush and Obama programs?  Let's read Michael Walsh:

"Blame Bush. The latest defense is that Fast and Furious grew out of a superficially similar Bush-era operation, Operation Wide Receiver, which also sought to trace illegal firearms in Mexico.

Yet the differences are crucial: The Bush op was tightly controlled, with the illegal purchases conducted under tight surveillance, and was a joint Mexican-American endeavor. 

Plus, it involved only about 500 guns, some fitted with radio tracking devices. 

F&F, by contrast, involved thousands of guns, whose purchases were actively encouraged by federal officials and whose transfers across the border went deliberately unmolested. 

And it was kept secret from our Mexican allies."

Yes, there were two important differences:

1) The Bush administration's program was intended to help Mexico deal with organized crime; and,

2) The Bush administration respected Mexico's sovereignty and operated with the Mexican government.

Again, we call on AG Holder to resign because his little game ("I don't know anything") is getting old and difficult to watch.   AG Holder is either extremely incompetent or a first-rate liar. 

Check out our Monday commentary:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

Tags: Guns to Mexico and Attorney General Holder To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!