Friday, January 05, 2018

Memory Lane: My 2006 fun predictions!

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The Rangers helped themselves by adding pitchers Millwood, Eaton and Padilla.  Is it enough to win the very tough AL West? I don't think so. The Angels are still a good veteran team. The A's have young pitching.

But the Rangers will be in the race in '06 and be a legitimate contender for the wild card. The bottom line is this: The Rangers will play meaningful games in September!

Mark Texeira will be the AL MVP. Mark is the next big superstar in baseball. He is a switcher who can hit 40 hrs!

The Mavericks and Stars will get into the playoffs but advance little. The Stars are more likely to get into the conference finals. The Mavs are a second round team. They cannot get by the big boys in the West.

What about the Chicago White Sox? They won last year and have helped themselves a lot by adding Thume and Vazquez.

The White Sox will play the Yankees in the ALCS. The Braves have wonderful young players and they will face St. Louis in the NLCS.

Last year, I predicted a New York-St Louis world series!

I will try it again!

Reality check:   St. Louis beat Detroit in the World Series!