Thursday, August 05, 2021

A chat about Cuba with Alain Castillo

A chat about Cuba with Alain Castillo 08/04 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics

Guests: Alain Castillo, young Cuban American in North Texas, will join me for a chat about the situation in Cuba….and other stories...... 
Check our to listen:

Thursday’s video: The two Democrats in Portugal?

Wednesday’s video: 
The two Democrats in Portugal? 
 Click to watch:

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).  If you like our posts, click send, and drop a dime here.


Portugal is so nice this time of the year

The Texas legislators on a mission in Washington are once again in the news for something that has nothing to do with voting rights. This is from Texas Scoreboard and was also on the metro section of the Dallas Morning News. The two legislators are Reps. Julie Johnson (Carrollton) and Jessica Gonzalez (Dallas):

Requests for comment to both the offices of Johnson and Gonzales thus far received no response.

If some Democrat House members have indeed fled for Europe, it would be the latest in a series of high-profile missteps since they left for D.C. on July 12. 

Since departing for the trip with a case of Miller Lite in tow, several members have contracted COVID-19, and Dallas Democrats solicited care packages of soda and candy to send to their runaway House members. 

In all of their time in D.C., the lawmakers have still failed to secure a meeting with President Joe Biden, let alone influence the U.S. Senate to take up and consider legislation passed by the U.S. House of Representatives called the “For the People Act” -- reforming elections at the federal level.

Though Democrats have not signaled an imminent plan for return, Speaker Phelan and the House have for weeks failed to take any meaningful action to compel their attendance -- including stripping committee chairmanships from Democrats and fining them for their absence.

Again, Portugal is such a nice place to visit anytime of the year not just April like the famous tune.  And "Lisboa Antigua" was one of my mother's favorite songs.  Walking in Lisbon and enjoying a sidewalk cafĂ© is just what a legislator on a mission to save our voting rights should be doing.

Last, but not least, did the ladies tell the immigration authorities in Portugal that they were hanging around with a group of people infected with COVID?

 P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).  If you like our posts, click send, and drop a dime here.