Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Pelosi's shampoo plus the debates are on schedule and Japan surrenders 1945

Pelosi's shampoo plus the debates are on schedule and Japan surrenders 1945 09/02 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

Pelosi's shampoo.....Portland needs regime change....The rioters from out of town...The debates are on the schedule.....Japan surrenders 1945...... 
and other to listen:

Wednesday’s video: 2020 like 1968 and law & order

No ‘sister’ moment for Joe

Cartoons: Joe Biden not running for president – East Bay Times
On Monday, Joe Biden looked at the camera and said something like this:  “Do I look like a guy who supports lawlessness”?
Frankly, he doesn’t.  What he looks like is: a man who has said nothing since the riots started and then suddenly decided to talk about because the polls are changing.
Some in the media are claiming that this is “Joe’s Sister Whatever” moment.  He finally stood up to the violent mob or something like that.
In fact, Biden looked awful, as Eddie Scarry wrote:    
After three months of violence, vandalism, and arson in our biggest cities, all of it excused and encouraged by Democrats, we’re supposed to be impressed that the party’s presidential nominee released a statement calling it “unacceptable.”
The national media will no doubt declare the note, posted Sunday night on Biden’s campaign site, a display of true leadership — because nothing arouses them more than a statement with words like “unequivocally” and “condolences.”
But it’s far too late for Democrats to pretend that they didn’t overtly advocate for and make excuses for this horror show. They’ve only changed their tune now because street violence, chaos, death, and fiery destruction are not exactly political winners — who knew?! 
So nice try, Joe, but you didn’t score.   
Joe Biden made a pact with the leftist devil in order to secure the nomination.  He bought into all Sanders’ and Sandy O’s ideas to buy their support.  Suddenly, he wants us to think that he is the old Joe, but it’s too late for that.
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

2008 post: The mask is off: They hated Bush, not war

Image result for bush derangement syndrome images
Maybe anti-war demonstrators are unemployed, back home & getting on their parents' health insurance policies.   Or, maybe they've all decided to watch President Obama talk "hip hop" on MTV rather than care anymore about premeditated wars without Congress or international coalitions.   Or, maybe they don't want to be reminded of that "global test" that then Senator Kerry spoke about in the 2004 campaign?  Or, maybe they don't want to hear that we are starting wars that we can't afford?  Or, maybe they just can't believe that the man who told them what they wanted to hear in 2007-08 would start a war in Lybia.  

We do know that the anti-war left is mute and out of business now that "hope and change" is the one starting wars.   

The silence or indifference is that Obama is a liberal Democrat, as Keith Wagstaff points out:
"Part of the reason, the study says, is that Democratic politicians in the Bush era found it politically useful to co-opt the anti-war movement for votes. That all changed after Obama was elected:      Ultimately, the study suggests, the anti-war rallies of 2003 weren't just about Iraq -- they were also a way to register disapproval with the Bush administration. Now, even with most Americans wary of military intervention in Syria, the Democrats who marched a decade ago are mostly staying home."     
The left has been exposed.  It was always about Bush and not war.   
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.    If you like our posts, drop a dime here.