Sunday, December 22, 2019

The week in review with Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda

The week in review with Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda 12/22 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

Guest: Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda.......The impeachment vote but what happens to the articles now?........the politics of impeachment......the 2020 Democrats debate again......and other to listen:

We remember Rep. Jim Wright (1922-2015)

(My new American Thinker post)

Once upon a time, there were men like Jim Wright representing Texas and the Democratic Party.  It really wasn't that long ago, although it feels like centuries when you listen to the class warfare peddled by people with a "D" next to their names.

Jim Wright died this week, and we remember him fondly around here.  The Dallas Morning News's obituary tells the story:
"Former U.S. House Speaker Jim Wright, who died Wednesday at age 92, was an old-school politician, a consummate Democrat who could extend a hand in bipartisanship, but also would pull no punches for his beloved Texas and Fort Worth.He would spare no energy, for example, if it meant winning a defense contract for a Fort Worth company, helping out a constituent in need or corralling federal money to redevelop the Stockyards. He did everything with a workmanlike determination that made him a formidable opponent.With political muscle and grit, he pushed through his namesake Wright Amendment, which for decades restricted flights from Love Field to land only at airports in Texas or four adjoining states. While in 1980 it protected a then fledgling Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport from competition, over the decades it became contentious — until it was lifted last year. But that was Jim Wright." 
His career ended poorly in 1989 when he had to resign over ethics violations.  However, I remember a man who was all about helping and bringing money to Texas.   

There is not a single Democrat representing Texas in Washington with Wright's standing or stature.  It speaks well of the late Mr. Wright and very poorly of his party today.

P.S. You can hear my show (CantoTalk) or follow me on Twitter.