Thursday, December 19, 2019

Impeachment and the other stories of the day with Leslie Eastman

Impeachment and the other stories of the day with Leslie Eastman 12/19 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

Guest: Leslie Eastman, contributor to Legal Insurrection....... We will be covering the news of today from impeachment to Merry Christmas.... and other to listen:

Thursday’s video: What’s next for impeachment?

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Thursday’s video:
What’s next for impeachment?
Click to watch:

The money is on Trump

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There are polls and then there are people who put their money where their mouth is.
According to a report, the money shows President Trump reelected:    
In the latest evidence that weeks of impeachment hearings did little to hurt him, the betting odds that President Trump will win reelection next year are nearly his best ever.
After two House committees held hearings, prompting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to schedule an impeachment vote this week, Trump stands at an even 1-1 chance of keeping his office in 2020.
Only Joe Biden, at 5-1, is challenging him, according to gambling site
“Trump continues to inspire bettors to take action despite the impeachment process and Greta Thunberg feud,” Dave Mason of BetOnline said in sharing the odds with Secrets.
We will see.  Nevertheless, the people putting up their money must be betting that the U.S. economy and a Democrat Party in disarray will pave the way for a Trump victory.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

1921: Judge Landis makes it "best of 7 not 9"

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On this day in 1921, Judge Landin, the Baseball Commissioner, cast the tie-breaking vote to make The World Series "a best of 7 not a best of 9 series".    It happened because some owners wanted to bring back the "best of 9" format.

It raises some interesting questions:

1) How many 5-game sweeps would we have had?   My guess is none.   It's very difficult for a team to lose 4 but imagine 5?

2) How many more games would Yogi Berra or Mickey Mantle have played in?

3) How many HRs would Mantle have hit?   He hit 18 but my guess is that he would have hit 25 in "a best of 9" format.

Anyway, I am happy that it is "a best of 7" series.    However, "a best of 9" would have probably allowed a few teams to come back from a 3-1 deficit, such as the 1969 Orioles.

Speaking of Judge Landis, he was quite a Commissioner: