Saturday, December 14, 2019

Can we finally say goodbye to Colin Kaepernick?

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The much-anticipated return of Kaepernick will not happen, as Commissioner Roger Goodell put it:  
During a news conference in Irving, Texas, Goodell responded to a reporter’s question about the November workout with Kaepernick and how it ultimately fell apart.
“This was about creating an opportunity,” Goodell said. “We created that opportunity. It was a unique opportunity, an incredible opportunity and he chose not to take it. I understand that.  And we’ve moved on here.”
Thank you, Commissioner.  I can hear lots of cheering people from coast to coast.
The left will probably explain this as another example of white supremacy.  Of course, that won’t work with a highly successful African American quarterback like Lamar Johnson of the 12-2 Ravens getting lots of exposure and publicity.
So let’s pray that this is the end of the Kaepernick Era in the NFL.  He was a pretty good quarterback at one point but turned into an obnoxious peddler of PC ideas that hurt the league, insulted the police, and upset many fans.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.