Thursday, December 12, 2019

TIME person of the year plus impeachment & UK electon plus Frank Sinatra 1915-98

TIME person of the year plus impeachment & UK electon plus Frank Sinatra 1915-98 12/12 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

TIME person of the year is a teen girl........I would have selected the protesters in Hong Kong......honorable mention to people of Bolivia and journalists in Mexico......Impeachment vote..........UK election.....Frank Sinatra to listen:

Thursday’s video: The protesters in Hong Kong are my “Persons of the y...

Image result for hong kong protests images

Thursday’s video:
The protesters in Hong Kong are my “Persons of the year”.....
click to watch:

Americans understand impeachment, but the Democrats don’t

On the day that Democrats put two articles of impeachment on the table, we see this polling data: the latest Quinnipiac survey shows more than half of voters are now saying Trump shouldn’t be removed from office.
Why is that?   Why are Americans moving against impeachment?
First, the articles are so weak, as we see in this New York Post editorial:   
He offers one on “abuse of power,” which covers all the efforts to get Ukraine to investigate 1) 2016 meddling and 2) the company that hired Hunter Biden. 
But it doesn’t explain how Trump “compromised the national security of the United States and undermined the integrity of the United States democratic process” or solicited interference in the 2020 election.    
Schiff contends Trump wanted “sham investigations” from Ukraine. 
But the inquiry produced not a single person or document suggesting Trump wanted Ukraine to frame his potential 2020 rival.
Nadler’s other article is for “obstruction of Congress,” centering on the White House’s refusal to cooperate with House hearings, ordering various officials not to testify.
Yet the legislative and executive branches fight all the time over compelling such testimony: It’s up to the judicial branch to resolve each battle — but House Democrats declined to go to court this time.
That’s likely why Nadler didn’t even go for an “obstruction of justice” article — one of the main counts in both the Nixon and Clinton impeachments.
A weak case and super partisan, to say the least.
Americans understand the reason for the impeachment clause.  It is there for those most unusual times in history when a president has engaged in high crimes and misdemeanors.
Abuse of power?  Every President from Washington to Trump would have been nailed on that one.
Obstruction of Congress?  What a joke!  Where were these Democrats when President Obama did not cooperate with Congress?
So the public sees through all this and yells “where is the beef?”   There ain’t no beef, and that’s why this process is a disgrace.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.