Gay marriage and the Pompeo debate

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By any objective account, Mike Pompeo is qualified to be our next Secretary of State.    
So why the controversy? Gay marriage?
As I recall, The Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal about three years ago. So it’s “the law of the land” as the liberals always tell us about ObamaCare.
Based on that opinion, why are Senate Democrats making an issue of it during the confirmation of our future Secretary of State? What point are they making?  It’s already legal whether Mr. Pompeo believes as I do that marriage is between a man and a woman.
So what’s going on? Why are even talking about this at this time?
The answer is that the shape of the Democratic party, as David Bossie wrote:    
The effort by Senate Democrats to block CIA Director Mike Pompeo from being confirmed as secretary of state is just the latest political stunt that unhinged liberals are trying to pull. 
Our Founding Fathers did not design our constitutional republic with this level of obstruction in mind from the minority party in the legislative branch.
So true. The Founders did not intend for the confirmation process to turn into a litigation of the last election.
Since Roe v Wade and now “same-sex marriage,” candidates are forced to answer questions about abortion and marriage. It is absolutely insane and just the latest vehicle for pandering to the left wing of the party.
Last, but not least, it proves why these “social issues” should be settled by voters rather than courts.  

P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Remember the one about the blue wave?

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Remember the one about the blue wave?   We are still 6-plus months away from the mid-terms so let's not get too caught up in polls.   Nevertheless, the latest look at the RCP average of polls puts it at Democrats plus 5.

In fact, 6 of the last 7 have it at single digits, from + 3 to + 7.    Only one of the last 7 polls has it at double digits or + 10.

What does it all mean?   There is no evidence of a "blue wave" anywhere as of today.

P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

March 2007: Global warming and penguins!

A post from March 2007:

It's been a horrible few weeks for the global warming zealots. I guess that's what happens when something gets hysterical.

Now, we learn that the Penguins, one the cherished franchises of the NHL, may be leaving Pittsburgh. It won't be long before we see pictures of penguins swimming on Lake Ontario.

P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.