Sunday, March 25, 2018

Sunday's show: The week in review with Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda

Guest:  Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda.......We will look at the kids marching and wonder who’s behind it....President Trump signed the omnibus bill and promised not to do it again.........Cardinal Dolan calls out Democrats over abortion in an Op-Ed.......President Trump vs Russia......CNN at the airports.....NBC poll and gun control....and other stories........

Click to listen:

Sunday's video: Cardinal Dolan blasts Democrats over abortion

About time a Catholic cardinal talked a little politics

Image result for democrats and abortion cartoons
My wonderful Cuban mother had a great expression as we were growing up: “Nunca es tarde para decir la verdad,” or it’s never too late to tell the truth.
As a Catholic, I’ve been waiting for this for quite some time.  After all, how can any Catholic (or any human being) vote for a political party that will not say no to abortion after 20 weeks?  What are we, Cuba or North Korea?
So it’s nice to finally see a leader of the U.S. Catholic Church put it on the line and stand for something.  This is from Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s op-ed via Hot Air:
The two causes so vigorously promoted by Hughes and Grier – the needs of poor and middle-class children in Catholic schools, and the right to life of the baby in the womb – largely have been rejected by the party of our youth. 
An esteemed pro-life Democrat in Illinois, Rep. Dan Lipinski, effectively was blacklisted by his own party. 
Last year, Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez insisted that pro-life candidates have no place in the modern Democratic Party.
It is particularly chilly for us here in the state Hughes and Grier proudly called their earthly home.  In recent years, some Democrats in the New York state Assembly repeatedly blocked education tax credit legislation, which would have helped middle-class and low-income families make the choice to select Catholic or other nonpublic schools for their children. 
Opposing the bill reduces the ability of fine Catholic schools across the state to continue their mission of serving the poor, many of them immigrants.
More sobering, what is already the most radical abortion license in the country may soon be even more morbidly expanded. 
For instance, under the proposed Reproductive Health Act, doctors would not be required to care for a baby who survives an abortion.  The newborn simply would be allowed to die without any legal implications. 
And abortions would be legal up to the moment of birth.
This is great. It would be even greater if this letter were read at every Mass across the country.  It would be really be meaningful if a Spanish version were read at the many Spanish masses across the nation.
It’s time to unmask the Democrat Party as the party of death.
Keep talking, leaders of the Catholic Church.  Abortion is a crime, and it is also devaluing the meaning of life in the country.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Crowd update: It was 200,000 not 800,000 or a million at the march!

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Crowd update:  It was 200,000 not 800,000 or a million at the march!   Frankly, there are too many marches, from women to now gun control.     They make for a great TV news segment but not much more.   Laws happen in the legislature not on the streets!

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

December 2006: What does victory look like?

A post from December 2006

In my last post, I wrote about going for victory.

In this war, victory won't be a surrender statement or cease fire. We are not going to get something like that from people who want to use baby milk to blow up airplanes.

Victory is breaking up the networks. It means delivering a major blow to the terrorists and the countries that support them.

Can we win? Yes.

December 2006: The Iraq Report won't be the last word on Iraq

Thank God for Pres. Bush and VP Cheney. They want to be right rather than popular. Thank God for Sen. McCain who said this:

"In an interview that appeared in the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, John McCain supplied a pithy reminder for all engaged in the debate: "... in war, my dear friends, there is no such thing as compromise; you either win or you lose.""
This is why I love Sen. McCain. He may not be perfect on some issues but he is right on the important one.

Let's not forget that. What part of "We want to kill you" don't we understand yet?

The other America that did not march