Sunday, February 25, 2018

Sunday's show: The week in review with Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda

Guest:  Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda.......the Olympics are over and NBC took quite a beating......another boycott this time it's the NRA......more problems from the shooting down in Florida.....what happened to the police on duty?     CNN goes all out in a Town Hall about guns and nothing about fixing the problem......Syria in crisis........what happens with North Korea now..........and other stories.........

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Sunday's video: A word about the video series

Thanks to all for watching. Our numbers are growing and we thank you very much. Please catch our podcasts as well as our blog posts at American Thinker........

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The left wants to talk only about guns but that’s not the problem

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Have you tried talking to gun control advocates about school shootings?  Or the one down at the church near San Antonio, Texas?
It’s frustrating, because they are always singing the same song, from “we have too many guns” to “we should follow the example of Australia.”
Yes, we indeed have too many guns, but so what?  We have a right to those guns.  We also have too many cars, and no one wants to outlaw them when a drunk driver kills a family on the road.  We also have a lot of residential swimming pool deaths, and no one is calling to outlaw them.
As for comparisons to Australia, let’s remember what John Lott recently wrote:
Gun control advocates like to note that there has been no mass public shooting in Australia since the buyback.  But they are simply picking out a country that happens to “prove” what they want it to prove.  
European countries such as Belgium, France and the Netherlands have even stricter gun control laws than Australia does, but their mass public shooting rates are at least as high as those in the United States.
During the Obama administration, the per capita casualty rate from shootings in the European Union was actually 27 percent higher than the U.S. rate.
I tried to bring these numbers to the attention of a gun control advocate, and he told me to stop citing studies paid for by the NRA.
So how do you talk to an ideologue?  You can’t!
President Trump may finally move the ball forward, because he is talking about school security, or the one issue that cuts through ideology.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.