Friday, January 12, 2018

Friday's show: Super Bowl III, the Trump "hole" controversy, the Churchill movie & more

We will look back at Super Bowl 3.........President Trump and the "hole" controversy........Happy # 67 Rush Limbaugh....."The darkest hour" is a very good movie.................and other stories.......

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Friday's video: Memories of Super Bowl 3

On January 12, 1969, the Jets and Colts met in what we now call Super Bowl 3. The Jets upset the heavily favored Colts and pro-football was never the same. It was also a great game!

Click to watch:

Another judge looking for an anti-Trump medal

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There are two things you can say about the West Coast: the coastline is beautiful, and some judge in San Francisco is working 24-7 to earn an anti-Trump medal.
We learned this week that a judge in San Francisco is challenging President Trump’s DACA decision.  You can read the judge’s opinion, but it can be summed up in these simple words from Josh Blackman:
On January 20, 2017, the executive power peacefully transitioned from President Obama to President Trump. 
At least one judge in San Francisco didn’t get the memo. 
Yesterday, Judge William Alsup ordered the Trump administration to keep its predecessor’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in place.  
This remarkable 49-page order has all the aesthetics of a judicial decision but is, at heart, an amateur act of punditry.  Judge Alsup paints the picture of a divided White House, wherein “the [c]hief [e]xecutive publicly favors the very program [his administration] has ended.” 
Citing a “presidential tweet,” the court suggests that DACA’s recision “was contrived to give the administration a bargaining chip to demand funding for a border wall in exchange for reviving DACA.”  These talking points could have been plagiarized from the MSNBC chyron. 
Such rhetoric in a judicial decision would have been unthinkable barely a year ago.  But now it passes for the new normal. 
Once again, the judiciary has attempted to shackle President Trump from making his own judgments about how to exercise his own power. 
The Supreme Court has reversed Judge Alsup’s outlandish rulings on DACA before. 
And it will do so again.
Yes, he will be reversed, but the judge got his medal, and likely a few contributions if he wants to pursue some political ambitions down the road.
After looking at this bizarre opinion, we must conclude that Judge Alsup does not believe that a current president can reverse his predecessor’s executive orders.  (Again, it bears repeating that President Trump was invalidating not a law passed by Congress, but rather an executive order!)
It left me wondering about prior presidents who have reversed their predecessors’ actions.
For example, let’s recall the Mexico City abortion policy going back to President Reagan.  It was signed and reversed across several presidencies, as we see in this story:
Obama’s memorandum reversing the policy comes the day after the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.  The landmark 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision held that a woman’s right [sic] to an abortion fell within the right to privacy protected by the 14th Amendment. 
The ruling gave a woman autonomy over her pregnancy during the first trimester. 
The memorandum reverses the “Mexico City policy,” initiated by President Reagan in 1984, canceled by President Clinton and reinstated by President George W. Bush in 2001.
The policy, referred to by critics as “the global gag rule,” was initially announced at a population conference in Mexico City.
Someone should ask Judge Alsup about his thinking and selective concern for the law.  Or maybe we should go to Judge Alsup the next time a Democrat reverses his predecessor’s executive order.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

President Trump and the "holes"

2003: Remember when Secretary Rumsfeld mentioned Europe?

What did Trump actually say?

Profar signed a 1-year deal with Rangers.

Good news about holiday sales

August 2008: A chat with Jose Brechner from Argentina!

On Thursday, we spoke with Jose Brechner:
"Jose was born in Bolivia. He was a former congressman and ambassador, (1985-1989) and a founder member of Accion Democratica Nacionalista, a right of center party.
He was chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee at the Bolivian Congress, and represented the country at several international forums included the Organization for American States (OAS).
During his mandate, was nominated by all media in Bolivia as the best congressman.
Op-Ed writer and Political Analyst, his articles are published in journals from North America, Latin America, Europe and the Middle East.
He is the most popular Bolivian journalist in the world.
Brechner was invited to participate in high rank TV shows, as “60 Minutes” and “The MacNeil/Lehrer Report”. Brechner is an active defendant of private property, free market economy, and individual freedom and rights."
We spoke about Latin America and the upcoming election. You will enjoy Jose's profound outlook of what is happening down south!

Click here to listen to the show!

January 2008: A chat with Fritz Weizel from ZOGBY

Today, we chatted with Fritz Weizel from The Zogby organization, one of the nation's largest polling firms.

We discussed a little bit of the horse race and other issues.

We also got some input from Rick Moran.

Click here for the show!

July 2008: A chat with Col. Joe Repya!

On Tuesday's show, we were joined by Joe Repya, Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) US Army, Infantry. Check out his blog! Add it to your favorites. I did!

You can listen to the show by clicking here!

December 2007: A chat about Canada with Roger Mailhot

On Monday, we spoke with Roger Mailhot in Montreal about a new report regarding immigration and Canada:
"One in every five Canadians is now foreign-born, the highest proportion in 75 years, a shift likely to have profound consequences for Canada's economic and cultural future.
Canada is becoming ever more diverse, Statistics Canada's 2006 census shows.

The country's foreign-born population soared 13.6 per cent between 2001 and 2006 — four times higher than the Canadian-born population. For the first time, the proportion of the foreign-born population who were born in Asia and the Middle East surpassed the proportion born in Europe.
As of last year, more than half of immigrants continued to come from Asia, including the Middle East, but a growing number also came from the Americas and Africa." (Foreign-born population hits 75-year high)
We will also discuss the US presidential election and its impact on Canada, specially free trade:
"Protectionism has emerged as a formidable force in the Democrats’ presidential politics and appeared to be spilling over in volume to the Republicans.
Senator Hillary Clinton, for example, has turned against increased free trade, and the Democratic wannabe can afford to offend the by-now strongly protectionist American labour unions.

"I’ve said for many years that NAFTA, and the way it has been implemented, has hurt a lot of American workers," she said in August during a presidential candidates’ forum sponsored by the AFL-CIO." (Trade ties that bind U.S., Canada unbreakable)
Last, but not least, we will discuss Afghanistan and Canada's role.

December 2007: A chat about Mexico and dissidents in Cuba

Laurence Iliff of The Dallas Morning News discusses his new article that Mexicans are staying home rather than coming here:
"Would-be immigrants may be staying home in significant numbers, a Mexican government survey says, a trend that analysts on Tuesday attributed to a crackdown on illegal border crossers, raids at employment sites and a slowing U.S. economy, particularly in the construction industry.
The third-quarter survey, used to determine the employment rate because many workers are off the tax rolls, showed a 30 percent drop from the third quarter of 2005 in the number of people planning to work abroad or to cross the border.
About 76,000 Mexicans were "looking for a job in another country or preparing to cross the border," according to the survey by the National Institute for Statistics and Geography, or INEGI for its initials in Spanish." (Mexicans thinking twice about U.S. jobs, survey finds)
We will chat with Laurence about this new information.

Henry Gomez of The Babalu Blog joined us to talk about dissidents in Cuba, specially the fate of Dr. Ferrer.

December 2007: A chat with Jorge Gonzalez about Venezuela

My friend Jorge Gonzalez, a Latin American expert, helped us to review the big "NO" from Caracas! (The NO wins in Venezuela)

It was a close election, a 51-49% win for the "NO" movement. So far, Chavez has accepted the results but we must remember that the loser here is one big irrational human being!

Did the King of Spain start this? Blogger Fausta has a wonderful headline today: One big "Por que no te callas?": Venezuela Hands Narrow Defeat to Chavez Plan!

October 2007: A chat with Captain Ed about The Latino vote

For some time, I have advocated that Hispanics come in different shapes and colors. In fact, there is nothing "uniform" about us except that someone decided that we should be one group.

On Monday' show, we spoke with Captain Ed about his post: (The Myth Of The Latino Bloc?)

Check out The myth of the Latino voting bloc (The GOP has less to fear from a backlash than many claim) By Steven Malanga. It's too early to jump to conclusions that Hispanics (whatever that means) will line up and vote Democrat!

November 2007: A chat with Cassy!

Today, we were joined by Cassy Fiano, a blogger with a lot of interest in the war on terror and the military in general. See her blog!

We spoke about presidential politics and current trends in Iraq. Also, we spoke about the fact that anti-war movies are flopping at the gate! Nobody is watching them! See 'Redacted' is Repulsive by Ross Kaminsky!

April 2008: A chat with Don Surber!

We had our quarterly chat with Don Surber, blogger and journalist. We discussed the elections and some very interesting posts on ethanol presidential children and high school dropouts.

April 2008: A chat about Iraq

Our friend, Jonathan Henry, joined us for a review of the situation in Iraq. We discussed general trends as well as the recent confrontation between militias and the Iraqi army.

See Jonathan Henry's website. Check out some of his recent posts:

April 2009: A chat with Barnard Thompson about Mexico!

Today, we spoke with Barnard Thompson, editor of

Mr. Thompson has spent 50 years in Mexico and Latin America, providing multinational clients with actionable intelligence; country and political risk reporting and analysis; and business, lobbying, and problem resolution services.

We discussed US-Mexico issues in light of Pres Obama's trip to Mexico! 

Click here for the show or the radio icon to the right!

Does Nancy Pelosi understand that 2 or 3 of "the white guys" are Democrats?

Spring training coming and the Rangers look like they are rebuilding

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Nobody is talking playoffs.   Instead, we are "rebuilding", although GM Daniels is denying it.

The 2018 team will put a lot of young guys to the test, from Gallo to Odor to Mazarra and DeShields.   Add Beltre & Andrus and this is a team that may not be ready to play in October.

The pitching is weak, unless they can sign a free agent for their rotation.

At the same time, add a starter and Lorenzo Cain to play in the outfield and this is a team that can compete for a wildcard spot.   

So maybe Mr. Daniels has a surprise before spring training.   I hope that he does.