Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Obama scandals by the minute!

Have you seen anything like this before?  The Obama administration is in a scandal-a-day mode.  Again, I have never seen this before and I remember Watergate, Iran-Contra and the Clinton Oval Office scandals.

Today, we learned that the scandals expanded to "Fast & Furious".   It looks like the DOJ tried to undermine a whistle-blower by leaking some documents.    Wonder if we will hear from the "civil lilibertarians" about that?

The other "new scandal" is about 2 Fox News reporters 

Last, but not least, there are now some doubts as to when the White House learned of the IRS story.  There are some reports that some key people knew about the IRS investigation but did not tell President Obama.

Does it make any sense that key White House staffers would keep an IRS story away from President Obama?  It makes no sense to me and we need an independent prosecutor to cut through the crap.

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