Monday, March 18, 2013

Foreign policy will be Pres BO's headache in the second term

Pres BO would rather talk about health care, global warming, free college tuition and and "social justice".  However, he may not have that choice as more and more foreign policy problems come to this desk.

Afghanistan is now a big mess, in large part because we tipped our hand about withdrawing troops.  We should have followed "the 30,000 troop surge" with words that confirmed our commitment to a solution rather than pandering to the Dem left.  

I don't defend Pres Karzai.  However, we are leaving him behind and he has to coexist with the bad guys!

North Korea is out of control.  

Iran is on its way to getting a bomb and there may be a connection to the aforementioned North Korea.  See Bill Katz' post on the topic:

"Obama expressed the belief that it would take Iran another year to develop an atomic bomb.  The Israeli timeline is much tighter.
The main issue, though, is whether Obama can be believed.  He has not established a credible record in foreign policy, and North Korea's successful march toward nuclear weapons and the missiles to carry them does not give us confidence that he can stop Iran.  Indeed, North Korea is one of Iran's suppliers."

The Middle East and North Africa are louder than ever.  Syria is getting worse every day.

And add to all of this the Benghazi scandal and foreign policy will likely consume Pres BO's second term. 

Click for the Sunday show with Bill Katz of Urgent Agenda:

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