Thursday, June 28, 2012

Pres BO is just playing politics with Hispanics and immigration

Pres BO spoke before NALEO a few days ago.  It was more of the same.  It was blame the GOP and blame the BOP and hope that hispanos are stupid and ignorant.

Pres BO did talk about the "change" in immigration rules for the "dreamers".

Frankly,  it is not a change because Pres BO can not change laws passed by Congress.  It was an "executive edict" not even an executive order.

At the end of the day, Pres BO's usurpation of his constitutional authority was intended to distract Hispanos from a number of issues that matter a great deal:

1) Very high unemployment in Hispanic communities, i.e. 11% compared to 8.2% for the country as a whose.  Do your math and you will calculate that Hispanic unemployment is about 27% higher than the rest of the population;

2) Very bad public schools and no signs of reform because the union is in bed with the Democrats;

3) The mandates against the Catholic church;

4) Same sex marriage and abortion, a couple of issues that do not fly in the very conservative Hispanic community; and,

5) A growing sense that this man will do anything to get reelected. 

At the end of the day, Pres BO did not keep any of the promises that he made in 2008.  He certainly did not keep the one about passing immigration reform!

Also, there is a growing sense that Pres BO & Dems think that Hispanics are just too stupid & ignorant to figure it out.  I think that the first Tuesday of November will prove them wrong.  

Please see Alicia Colon: Obama Using Hispanics As Patsies

Check our Hispanic Roundtable with Israel Ortega of The Heritage Foundation PLUS Sylvia Guzman, George Rodriguez and Fernando Trevino:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

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