"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." - President Ronald Reagan
"Sixty-seven percent of those surveyed by The New York Times and CBS News
since the announcement said they thought that Mr. Obama had made it
“mostly for political reasons,” while 24 percent said it was “mostly
because he thinks it is right.”
Independents were more likely to
attribute it to politics, with nearly half of Democrats agreeing.
The results reinforce the concerns of White House aides and Democratic
strategists who worried that the sequence of events leading up to the
announcement last week made it look calculated rather than principled."
This poll should hit The White House between the eyes. My point is that Pres BO did not make any friends by "evolving" into same sex marriage. On the contrary, independents believe that the decision was all about politics. Also, he probably didn't win any voters in all of those counties between NY City and San Francisco.
We spoke about this issue with Barry Casselman on Monday night:
Tags:What if Pres BO "evolves" on same-sex marriage and most think it was all political? To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!
Frankly, I like the filibuster because it forces both parties to find mutual ground in legislation. It forces consensus. It forces bipartisanship. It also makes it more difficult for "populism" to win the day. It requires the majority party to consider the minority party.
During our history, we've had a couple of instances where the majority party had 60 votes, or enough votes to make the filibuster meaningless.
Such a moment was 2009 when Pres BO & the Dem party had "a filibuster proof" US Senate. In other words, the GOP could not do a thing about any proposal out of the Dem Senate.
Back to the present.
We are living through some very weird times, or a time when Dems and their useful idiots in the Hispanic left, continue to treat Hispanics like stupid fools who don't know anything.
"Illegal immigrant students and members of the House sued the Senate
this week to try to overturn the upper chamber’s filibuster rule,
arguing that the 60-vote supermajority requirement violates the
Constitution and is blocking important legislation such as
legalization for illegal immigrants."
Let's remember that The Dream Act went down during "the lame duck session" at the end of 2010. (A "lame duck" session is the time between the election and the inauguration of the new Congress)
Let's also remember that Pres BO & Dem congressional leaders did not put The Dream Act to a vote before the election. In other words, Pres BO, Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid did not want Dems making a difficult vote before the election.
Is this political cowardice or what? I hope that Hispanics remember that the next time that they get "romantic" when they hear Pres BO's "Cinco de Mayo" speeches.
The Dream Act went down despite the fact that the Dems had a 59-41 majority in 2010 and 60-40 in 2009. In other words, the Republicans did not have the votes to use the filibuster to hold up The Dream Act.
So was it the filibuster or the unwillingness of the Dem party to pass The Dream Act?
The answer is that the Dem super majority did not pass it. I would add that they never meant to pass it!
So what do you do when a Senate with 60 Dem votes does not pass The Dream Act?
Do you blame the Dems that you voted for? Do you hold them accountable for broken promises?
I guess that you come up with another gimmick, or blaming the "filibuster" because Dem Senators did not vote for The Dream Act.
When will Hispanics understand the truth? When will Hispanics get that the Dems "te estan tomando el pelo"?
First, the Dems told them what they you wanted to hear in 2008; and,
Second, they are telling them again what they want to hear by blaming the filibuster.
The problem is not the filibuster. The problem is that Hispanics keep voting for people who tell them what they want to hear.
It's time for Hispanics to hold politicians accountable for their promises rather than engage in gimmicks like pushing lawsuits against the filibuster.
Again, the problem is not the filibuster. The problem is that Hispanics don't hold Dems accountable for anything. They just keep voting for them and wondering why they never keep their promises.
Check out my discussion with George Rodriguez in segment 2 of our Tuesday show:
Tags:Another episode in "The Dems think that Hispanics are really, really and really very stupid" series To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!