Monday, February 20, 2012

Remember when the media was always talking about "gasoline prices going up" under Pres Bush?

Is the media in the tank for Obama?  Let's look at gasoline prices.

Since Pres BO took over, gasoline prices are up significantly:

"At $3.53 a gallon, prices are already up 25 cents since Jan. 1. And experts say they could reach a record $4.25 a gallon by late April.                 

"You're going to see a lot more staycations this year," says Michael Lynch, president of Strategic Energy & Economic Research. "When the price gets anywhere near $4, you really see people react."

Already, W. Howard Coudle, a retired machinist from Crestwood, Mo., has seen his monthly gasoline bill rise to $80 from about $60 in December. The closest service station is selling regular for $3.39 per gallon, the highest he's ever seen.

"I guess we're going to have to drive less, consolidate all our errands into one trip," Coudle says. "It's just oppressive."

The surge in gas prices follows an increase in the price of oil." (AP)    

You may remember that gasoline was under $2 when Pres Bush flew back to Texas.  It has almost doubled since Pres BO took the oath.

To be fair, gas prices are not something that presidents can increase or decrease.  Nevertheless, Pres Bush was blamed for gas prices increases during his presidency.  We were told back then that Bush-Cheney were protecting the interests of the oil companies and passing the cost to the consumer.

So what's going on?  Is Pres BO also carrying the interests of "Big Oil"?

Also, where is the media?  Where is the same media that reported 24/7 about gas price increases under Pres Bush?

So is the media in the tank for Obama?  When was the last time that the mainstream media ran a front page story on gasoline prices doubling under Pres BO?

Last, but not least, I should add that Pres BO has hurt the country by playing "base politics" and cancelling the Keystone Pipeline.  My guess is that Pres BO's decision will be a huge issue in the campaign but don't expect anyone in the mainstream media telling viewers about the high cost of gasoline.

Click here for our conversation with Bill Katz:

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