Thursday, December 29, 2011

The "state of the family unit" at the end of 2011

The family is the foundation of any society.  You can't have a successful future without good kids and parents who love them.

Rick Johnson has focused on fathers and the preparation of young men to be fathers someday.  He writes a blog and recently addresses this issue:

"Unfortunately, our culture not only has low expectations for males, it seems to revel in trying to destroy masculinity.

We expect boys to act more like girls.

In Unleashing Courageous Faith, Paul Coughlin comments on what our culture does to boys, “Boys are being gunned down by manliness gone bad and by those who do not accept or appreciate it. Our culture tells young boys that traditional masculinity is bad, that men are stupid and deserve to be the object of disdain, contempt, and ridicule. Then we expect them to grow up and exemplify honor, integrity, and valor.”

Just watch nearly any television sitcom or commercial if you doubt that statement."

We also spoke with Dr Illena Johnson-Paugh about the state of the family in the West.  We can learn a great deal about what is happening over there. 

Click here for our conversation with Rick Johnson & Dr Ileana Johnson-Paugh:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

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