Wednesday, March 07, 2007

March 2007: Some thoughts on the Libby verdict

A post from March 2007:

It's a rare day that The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal have similar editorials. After all, they come from different political positions. See this:
"Mr. Wilson's case has besmirched nearly everyone it touched. The former ambassador will be remembered as a blowhard."
Who said that? Rush Limbaugh? It was The Washington Post in today's editorial about The Libby Verdict (The serious consequences of a pointless Washington scandal).

Of course, the Democrats are trying to spin the trial as more proof that "Bush lied".

Reid & Pelosi are throwing the customary red meat to the angry left.

For the record, it's tough to make the point that "Bush lied" when Democrats said the same thing about Iraq in 1998 and 2002!

Reid & Pelosi don't have the courage to cut the funding, which is a binding resolution of their position. They do have the "courage" of making these statements, which are just speech that carry no binding effect. Reid & Pelosi are speaking to the gallery rather than performing their constitutional duties to cut the funding of a war they don't support. (No profiles in courage here!)

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