Friday, September 27, 2024

Kamala can't hit a curve ball

Kamala can't hit a curve ball: As a baseball fan, I've read a few player profiles, or scouts' reports about a player's skills to make it to the majors. The objective is to find a five-tool player or Willie Mays. Most of the time the reports rate the players on hitting,...
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As a baseball fan, I’ve read a few player profiles, or scouts’ reports about a player’s skills to make it to the majors. The objective is to find a five-tool player or Willie Mays. Most of the time the reports rate the players on hitting, running, and fielding. Many times, the scouting report tells you that someone has talent but can’t hit the curve ball. It’s hard to get to the majors if you can’t hit AA pitching unless you are a good defensive catcher who can work with pitchers.

Enter prospect Kamala Harris. She can’t hit the curve ball period, no matter how many times they throw questions at her. She is in a different league and it ain’t the majors.

The Stephanie Ruhle interview was embarrassing. Let’s check it out:

Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday refused to explain how she intends to pay for her pricey economic plan if Republicans in Congress block her proposed presidential agenda, one of several questions she dodged during her first one-on-one interview with a major news network since becoming the Democratic nominee. 

“If you can’t raise corporate taxes, or if the GOP takes control of the Senate, where do you get the money to do that? Do you still go for those plans and borrow?” MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle asked Harris about her handout-heavy agenda.

“Well, but we’re going to have to raise corporate taxes,” the Democratic nominee responded, without explaining how she intends to do that without congressional support.

“We’re going to have to make sure that the biggest corporations and billionaires pay their fair share,” Harris continued. “That’s just it. It’s about paying their fair share.”

Well, it’s always about the rich not paying their share. I guess we’d be better off if only the rich paid up rather than buy government bonds. It’s amazing, isn’t it?

Of course, the real problem is that she can’t answer questions even when the reporters are desperately trying to help her win. The three journalists at the African American Journalism meeting tried but couldn’t. Oprah tried but couldn’t. Stephanie of MSNBC even got her to talk about making fries but her interview was a bust too.

Later Stephanie complained to her pal Nicole that she just won’t answer the question. No she didn’t, because she can’t. This is probably the most unqualified candidate to run for president in our lifetime. We know it and I think that a lot of Democrats are getting it now.

When does Joe get back on the ticket and do it for the country? What he did in July. only the reverse. Crazy thought? Probably, but it’s been a crazy year, hasn’t it?

In the meantime, the scouts have made it official: Nice swing but can’t hit the curve ball.

P.S. Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos. 

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