Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Raul plays the “el imperialismo” card!

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Guess who came back for an encore performance?   It was Raul Castro doing his best to sound like Fidel with a rendition of that old tune about “el imperialismo”:
“Now, once again, the American government appears to take the route of confrontation with Cuba and present our peaceful and allied country as a threat to the region,” Castro claimed. “High-ranking administration officials, with the complicity of some lackeys, disseminate new falsehoods and once again attempt to blame Cuba for all the ills of the region, as if these were not the consequence of merciless neoliberal policies.”
As always, there were no specifics but lots of accusations.    We did not hear Raul Castro call on the tourists from “el imperialsimo” to take their dollars to another location.
Raul Castro even attacked the people of Brazil for electing Mr. Bolsonaro.
On Monday, appointed President Diaz-Canel delivered a very somber outlook of the country’s economy.   Not surprisingly, he blamed everything on “el imperialismo”!
What does it all mean?
First, they are getting desperate.  Why bring out Raul Castro from retirement to attack the US or defend the corrupt Lula down in Brazil?
Second, why was so much of the focus back on memories of Fidel?   Is Raul concerned that the “appointed one” Diaz Canel is not running the show?
Time will tell.  We do know that Fidel and Raul Castro play the “imperialismo” card when they are desperate.
Everything points to desperation down in the island!

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