Wednesday, May 09, 2018

April 2007: Senator Reid takes another political cheap shot

A post from April 2007:

Senator Harry Reid is so dishonest. Today, he said said the bombing in Iraq was further evidence that the war was going badly and U.S. troops should come home.


First, the bombing is a sign that we are dealing with an opportunist enemy. He will do whatever it takes to score points. Let's remember that the bombs went off in a parliament building. They hate democracy. They hate legislators like Sen. Reid!

Second, Senator Reid does not have the courage to cut the funding and bring the troops tomorrow. Like other Democrats, he plays word games and uses every opportunity to take cheap shots.

Third, Sen. Reid does not have the courage to see the good news from Iraq. See The Surge: First Fruits By Charles Krauthammer:
"By the day, the debate at home about Iraq becomes increasingly disconnected from the realities of the war on the ground.The Democrats in Congress are so consumed with negotiating among their factions the most clever linguistic device to legislatively ensure the failure of the administration's current military strategy -- while not appearing to do so -- that they speak almost not at all about the first visible results of that strategy.
And preliminary results are visible. The landscape is shifting in the two fronts of the current troop surge: Anbar province and Baghdad."

Again, why won't Sen. Reid call for withdrawal tomorrow? The answer is simple. Sen. Reid wants an issue rather than dealing with the consequences of taking a binding position in Iraq.

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