Monday, April 16, 2018

March 2007: Hillary Clinton on the Iraq War vote

A post from March 2007:

How should Senator Hillary Clinton explain her 2002 Iraq War vote? She should tell the truth. Unfortunately, Sen. Clinton has been playing word games and getting in deep trouble with Democrats.

In October '02, Senator Clinton did what so many others had done in 1998. They looked at evidence, spoke with experts and concluded that Saddam Hussein had to be removed. Why can't she admit that and move on?

It's fair to say that Pres. Bush has mismanaged the war. It is wrong to say that Pres. Bush rushed to war and misled the nation. 

Senator Clinton should avoid comments like "rushed to war". 

By the way, if Pres. Bush rushed to war, why didn't Sen. Clinton (or others) say so in March '03?  Why did they go home to watch the war and go mute?

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