Sunday, February 18, 2018

October 2006: How about a plan rather than another book?

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What's new? We have another book about everything that Pres. Bush did wrong. 

Before you invest $25, let me give you a heads up.

Woodward writes that Pres. Bush is stubborn and won't listen to critics. He writes that Iraq is going to hell. Woodward does not give us any solutions but he writes that everything is bad.

What's new about Woodward's message? Have we not heard this before?

Speaking of Iraq, it might be more useful (and it won't cost you $25) to check these two articles:
Who's Really in Denial? It's not President Bush. by William Kristol:
"Bush, on other hand, understands that the only acceptable exit strategy is victory. (If, as Woodward reports, he's been bolstered in that view by Henry Kissinger, then good for Henry. Invite him to the Oval Office more often!)

To that end, Bush should do more. He should send substantially more troops and insist on a change of strategy to allow a real counterinsurgency and prevent civil war.

But at least he's staying and fighting. And the great majority of Republicans are standing with him.
The Democrats, as Bush has put it, "offer nothing but criticism and obstruction, and endless second-guessing. The party of FDR and the party of Harry Truman has become the party of cut-and-run."

So there really is a profound difference between the parties, as Democrats are happy to acknowledge, since they think Iraq is a winning issue for them.
The Democratic talking point is this: We're against Bush on Iraq, but we are as resolute as Bush in the real war on terror (understood by them to exclude Iraq).
Except that they're not." 

The Democrats continue to invest all of their hopes and dreams in books and movies about Pres. Bush. It would be better for Democrats to give us a reason to change leaders, i.e. a plan!

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