Friday, January 26, 2018

August 2006: This is not your father's Democrat Party!

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This is a post from 2006

What would Truman and FDR say about this bunch?   What would they say about the Democrats dumping Senator Lieberman.

Read Still the Peace Party by Fred Barnes:
"The sacking of Lieberman is all the more striking because of his position in the Democratic party.

He is not only the most prominent advocate of peace through strength, but also the foremost Democratic champion of Israel.
It was because of his national security stance that he was chosen as the Democratic vice presidential nominee in 2000.
Six years later, he's been pushed aside by a party sprinting to the left.

Meanwhile, the man who picked Lieberman in 2000, Al Gore, has also flipped on national security.

Gore himself was chosen as Bill Clinton's vice presidential running mate for the same reason Lieberman was, his credentials on national security: Gore had been one of 10 Senate Democrats who supported the first Gulf War."
The Democrats are not serious about national security. Again, what would FDR and Truman say of this bunch? They'd probably call them a bunch of dangerous fools!

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