Saturday, June 04, 2016

It’s time for Democrats to tell anti-Trumpistas to put down their Mexican flags

(My new Babalu post)

The Mexican flag is back on US soil and we don’t mean the one at the Mexican embassy, regional consulates or maybe a Cinco de Mayo celebration.
It reminds many of us of the immigration marches of a few years ago!  It turned off Americans back then and this will turn off voters again.
As a naturalized US citizen, who actually supports a “work visa” program for some people in the country illegally, I find these scenes of Mexican flags rather sick.
As a practical matter, every Mexican flag or riot is worth a million votes to Mr Trump.    It simply makes his point that there are too many people here who don’t understand immigration laws.
Back in 2002, some American students legally in Mexico decided to participate in a political demonstration about a new international airport outside of Mexico City. The students decided to join the environmentalists opposed to the construction of the airport.
What happened to these students? Let’s hear from Heather McDonald and her 2006 article:
What would Mexico do? The answer is easy: deport them on the spot. In 2002, a dozen American college students, in Mexico legally, participated peacefully in an environmental protest against a planned airport outside of Mexico City. They swiftly found themselves deported as law-breakers for interfering in Mexico’s internal affairs.
If Mexico was willing to strip these students of their duly-obtained travel visas, imagine what it would have done had the students broken into the country surreptitiously—not just summary deportation but undoubtedly howls of complaint to the U.S. government for winking at this double violation of Mexican sovereignty.
Yes, Mexican law is correct that immigration policy is about sovereignty.
Why isn’t the media asking Mrs Clinton or Senator Sanders about these Mexican flags or the violence?
It is pathetic what we are watching in the US!
I can guarantee you that Mexico would not tolerate anything like this on its soil.   They would scream sovereignty!
It’s a shame that no one in the Democrat Party will defend sovereignty north of the border.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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