Monday, February 01, 2016

Rubio is right that the US is off track

Over the last few months, we've heard from Senator Rubio that the US is off track.    Check out the latest freedom index, as reported by CNSNews:
The U.S. has fallen from the 6th freest economy in the world, when President Barack Obama took office, to 11th place in 2016. America’s declining score in the index is closely related to rapidly rising government spending, subsidies, and bailouts.
Since early 2009:
  • Government spending has exploded, amounting to $29,867 per household in 2015.
  • The national debt has risen to $125,000 for every tax-filing household in America—a total over $18 trillion.
  • The government takeover of health care is raising prices and disrupting markets.
  • Bailouts and new government regulations have increased uncertainty, stifling investment and job creation.

This is bad and a country in the wrong direction.   Our next president needs to put the country back on track and the sooner the better.

P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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