Thursday, February 04, 2016

“El Caballero de Paris” gives Raul a hug but not cash

(My new Babalu post)

We’ve seen here in the pages of Babalu that Raul Castro is in Paris.
We’ve also heard that France is very anxious to invest in Cuba.
So why doesn’t France invest in Cuba rather than call on the US to drop the embargo? Nobody is stopping France or any other country from going to Cuba and investing in the island.
Why call for an end to the embargo?
The answer is simple.   France, like so many other countries, are not putting a dime in Cuba after having to restructure, or even forgive, debts.
France wants the US to end the embargo so that the Castro regime has credit lines to purchase French goods and services.
So what really happened in Paris?
Raul got a hug and the kind of military salute that his ego needs.   However, “El Caballero de Paris” did not give him what Castro Inc desperately needs, i.e. dinero!
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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