Monday, December 14, 2015

Obama thinks that Raul wants change?

“Obama was complimentary of Castro.
“I do see in him a big streak of pragmatism. In that sense, I don’t think he is an ideologue,” said the president.
He added that Castro is even a forward thinker.
“I do also think that Raul Castro recognizes the need for change. And part of the reason for the timing of these changes is his desire to help usher in those changes before he and his brothers are gone. Because I think he views himself as having the stature to move Cuban society in ways that a successor might not,” said Obama.”
Really?   A “forward thinker” puts dissidents in jail?  or refuses to give people the right to elect their own leaders?
I guess that President Obama and I just have a different definition of what a forward thinker is!

Tags: Obama and Raul Castro  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

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