Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Why didn’t Pres Obama address the nation about the military action in Africa?

(My new Babalu post)

Looking for President Obama!
Maybe I got spoiled watching presidents from Nixon to GW Bush. I really want our president to go on TV and tell us about military operations and their objectives.  We deserve it, specially those of us with sons in the military.
Again, where was President Obama? Why didn't he make a brief statement on TV?
Perhaps President Obama does not want to talk about the new war developing in Africa.    
"The Administration has seemed reluctant to act forcefully against al Qaeda in Africa lest it undermine President Obama's claim that the terror network is defeated. The raids are a tacit admission that Mr. Obama has been overselling victory, but we're nonetheless glad to see the U.S. going back on offense."
Al Qaeda is alive and well. It's time for President Obama to admit it publicly and tell us that we are back on offense.
We need to be on offense against terrorists.

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