Friday, September 20, 2013

Even “El Pais” thinks that Branson was over the top!

(My new Babalu post)
I found this from "El Pais" in Spain to be rather interesting:
"Si el Che Guevara levantara la cabeza, probablemente volvería a morirse al ver que uno de los hombres más ricos del mundo, defensor del capitalismo a ultranza que lo ha llevado a la cima de las listas de los más millonarios, ha utilizado su mítica boina, su uniforme y sus gestos más característicos para promocionar la marca que más dinero le ha hecho ganar: Virgin."
It translates to something like this:  If Che raised his head, he'd be shocked to see a big time capitalist dressed up like him.
We can make fun of the picture but there is a serious side to all of this.
Thank God that Mr Branson was not the owner of an airliner in Cuba when the Castro brothers and Che came into power.
He would have been treated to a very bad case of repression and his business would have expropriated in the name of a corrupt revolution.
Branson is really stupid and lucky.
He is stupid for dressing like a communist to promote capitalism.
He is lucky that he never had to live under the leader that he is glorifying with this stupid rebel outfit.
What's next?  Is he "going Mao or Stalin" to promote Virgin's flights to Moscow or Peking?

Tags: Richard Branson, Che Guvera  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

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