Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Why isn't Pres Calderon of Mexico screaming about "Fast & Furious"?

This is weird, very weird.  How do you explain the silence in Mexico about Fast & Furious?  

To recall, Fast & Furious put 2,000 guns in the hands of Mexican cartels.  

We hear from the Mexican government that these guns have killed over 300 people.  

We also hear that the Mexican government was not consulted about this program.  (See what the Mexican ambassador to the US said: Mexico left in the dark on Fast and Furious)

So why in the world isn't Pres Calderon on the phone or publicly calling on Pres BO to explain what happened?

Can anyone identify a bigger breach of Mexican sovereignty than to have the US government "hand" 2,000 high powered weapons to criminal elements terrorizing the country?

Today, we learned this:

"A House investigative committee said Tuesday it has obtained new information from wiretaps related to the Obama administration’s Operation Fast and Furious that suggests high-ranking officials know more than they are telling Congress about the flawed weapons sting." (FOX)

Frankly, I am very surprised with the Mexican reaction and the patience with the Obama administration.  

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