Saturday, May 12, 2012

Same sex marriage: Pres BO put "money" over principle

Pres BO "evolved" and decided that he was for same sex marriage after all of these years.

Pres BO's "evolution" got him a lot of money.   ($15 million)

Unfortunately, it also confirmed that he is not really a leader.  

To be blunt, this is not the leadership that our nation needs today.

We need a president who will stand up for our Judea-Christian heritage.

We need a president who will stand for traditional marriage.

We need a president strong enough to tell his base that the country needs more traditional marriages rather than convenient arrangements.

Yes, he got the money.  However, he did not do the country, and specially the young people, any favors.   

We have a lot of confused young people who should be hearing clear moral  messages rather than "situational" or "feel good" ethics.

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