Monday, September 03, 2018

December 2011: "Fast & Furious" blew up in AG Holder's face!

A post from December 2010:

We've speculated over and over about the reasons behind "Fast & Furious", the guns to Mexican cartels scandal. 

What exactly was the Obama administration trying to accomplish allowing 2,000 "high powered" weapons to "walk" to the hands of the people killing Mexican soldiers and policemen?

I think that we can finally identify the intentions:  F&F was all about US gun laws rather than helping Mexico fight cartels.

Unlike Pres Bush's Merida Plan, an initiative intended to help Mexico, Pres BO's "F&F" was all about US politics and the left's obsession with curbing our 2nd amendment rights.

CBS has another article about F&F.  It raises the real possibility that F&F was all about sending guns to Mexico and then blaming those Texas gun shops that legally operate here. 

In other words, the Obama administration wanted to "fill" Mexico with guns.  They also wanted these guns traceable to Texas gun shops by forcing them to sell to cartel purchasers.  Finally, they wanted to argue that these shops were responsible for the guns in Mexico.  

It was rather cynical but the little scheme blew up in their faces.  At the end of the day, they bit more than they could chew.  In other words, there is no way that you control 2,000 guns once they cross the border. 

So where are we?

First, we finally have a pretty good idea of the Obama administration's motivation.  It was all about US politics and not about helping Mexico fight cartels.

Second, we have an administration that claims that "lying" and "not telling the truth" are different.   (Clintonian ethics?)

Third, there are lots of people dead south of the border.  Unfortunately, we will hear about a lot more people dying from these guns.

How many people will die from the 2,000 guns that the Obama administration put in the hands of Mexican cartels to pander to the left of the Dem party?  Unfortunately, too many, and most of them will be south of the border.

IBD's editorial is right on"These documents show that Fast and Furious was intended not to interdict gun trafficking, but to make the administration's case for more gun control."

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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