Saturday, September 01, 2018

January 2008: National Security matters

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A post from January 2008:

Captain Ed has a great post about the upcoming election:
"Let's pause a moment and let this sink into the consciousness. More than six years after 9/11, the Democrats still have no comprehensive national security or counterterrorism plan.

They feel that such a discussion will "blindside" them -- a term from football meaning an attack from an unseen direction -- despite the issues being consistently rated as primary among voters for years.

They have no preparation for this discussion, and apparently consider it some kind of dirty trick, if you read more of Edsall's essay.
Perhaps the Democrats ought to familiarize themselves with the Constitution of the nation they want to run.

The primary duty of the federal government, and especially the executive, is not issuing handouts or manipulating the economy.

It is not running health care or setting wage floors.

The primary duty of the federal government is to "provide for the common defence". (Blindsided By National Security?)
Well written Captain Ed.

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