Saturday, September 01, 2018

A post from December 2007: Some don't buy it!

Image result for gore global warming cartoons

A post from December 2007:

Well, I guess it's not settled science after all. In fact, there are quite a few scientists who disagree.

How about that?Man-Made Global Warming: 10 Questions
by is worth reading or sharing it with a friend who may be contemplating cutting his wrists over global warming. I like this point:
"I’m always troubled by arguments that begin, “Everybody agrees...” or “Everyone knows...”

In fact, there is a good deal of dissent in the scientific world about the theory of man-made global warming.

A large (and growing) segment of those who study such things are questioning some of the basic premises of the theory.

Why should there be anything wrong with that?

Again, this is a big deal, and we should have the best information and opinion from the best minds."
So enjoy your party drinks. Your ice cubes won't be melting anytime soon. Better than that, The North Pole won't look like Acapulco in our lifetime either!

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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